Omicron and COVID Plan B Update

Following the increase in Omicron cases and recent guidance surrounding the Covid Plan B, we just wanted to inform you that in line with Government guidelines, we’ll continue delivering our apprenticeship and vocational training in the safest possible way to ensure your employees’ learning journeys remain as uninterrupted as possible.

With the ‘Plan B’ guidance being introduced by Government on Monday 13th December 2021, we have put in place an additional safety measure for when we conduct face-to-face appointments at your premises or our academy learning venues. This measure means we’ll liaise directly with each of our employer partners to understand your individual circumstances and regulations before visiting your venue or taking your apprentices off-site.

We understand that the current situation may be a cause for concern, but as always we’re here to support you and will update you promptly if there will be any change in the service we provide to you.

If you have any questions, please contact your local representative.

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