Getting Started with Apprenticeships
The Benefits of Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Rules and Responsibilities
Funding and the Apprenticeship Levy
Onboarding Apprenticeships and Additional Support
Apprenticeship Terms Explained
Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of day-to-day work duties and leads towards the achievement of the apprenticeship.
Apprentices in England must have a minimum of 6 hours per week dedicated to off-the-job training, regardless of the number of hours they work. It is a mandatory requirement for all apprenticeships in England and is designed to give apprentices the skills, knowledge, and behaviours they need to perform their job competently and effectively.
Off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship and can take many forms, including:
The 6-hour minimum was introduced to ensure that all apprentices receive a minimum amount of off-the-job training, regardless of the number of hours they work each week and must be completed during the apprentice’s normal working hours.
Employers are responsible for ensuring that their apprentices have access to high-quality off-the-job training and that they are making satisfactory progress towards achieving their apprenticeship standard.
Recording off-the-job training
It’s important to accurately record and track off-the-job training hours to ensure that apprentices meet the minimum requirement and are able to progress to the end-point assessment.
HIT Training works with apprentices and their line managers to develop a training plan that outlines all off-the-job training activities and hours, which can be tracked and monitored through our online learning system. This system allows learners to log their off-the-job activities and time spent, providing an easy and efficient way to record and track their training progress.
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